C’est ici que le jour se lève (literally, « day breaks right here »), is derived from a private text written by Sam Touzani and Rolland Westreich, merging choreography and text to the score and a compilation of relational sketches about the fragility of amorous relationships. What does it take to keep an amorous relationship going when an immigrant is involved with a blue-eyed Flemish woman ? On this eminently contemporary topic, Isabella Soupart sketches with subtlety the outline of a relationship that falls apart, giving the floor to body expression, circumscribing the extent of gesture and unspoken meanings. A close combat performed nevertheless through the word.
C’est ici que le jour se lève tisse à partir d’un texte intime de Sam Touzami et Rolland Westreich une partition chorégraphique et textuelle, un album d’instantanés relationnels sur la fragilité d’une relation amoureuse. A quoi tient une relation amoureuse quand l’un est issu de l’immigration et l’autre Flamande aux yeux bleus? Sur cette base éminemment contemporaine, Isabella Soupart dessine tout en subtilité les contours d’une relation qui se délite, donne la parole aux corps, circonscrit l’étendue des gestes et des non-dits. Un corps à corps qui se joue pourtant à partir des mots.
C’est ici que le jour se lève (literally, « day breaks right here »), is derived from a private text written by Sam Touzani and Rolland Westreich, merging choreography and text to the score and a compilation of relational sketches about the fragility of amorous relationships. What does it take to keep an amorous relationship going when an immigrant is involved with a blue-eyed Flemish woman ? On this eminently contemporary topic, Isabella Soupart sketches with subtlety the outline of a relationship that falls apart, giving the floor to body expression, circumscribing the extent of gesture and unspoken meanings. A close combat performed nevertheless through the word.
Conception, direction, choreography Isabella Soupart • Text Sam Touzani & Rolland Westreich • With Sam Touzani, Eléonore Valere-Lachky (alternating with Esse Vanderbruggen, Shantala Pèpe, Sara Tan) • Musician Malèna Sardi • Artistic adviser Ariel Potasznik • Light design Jim Clayburgh • Music & sound design Thomas Turine • Sound Marc Doutrepont.
Production 2016 • L’ Art du Temps a.s.b.l.
Théâtre Le Public (BE) • Festival Musiq3 Flagey-Marni • with support from La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Loterie Nationale.
Photography©Danny Willems